PURPOSE-LIVED, conversations with Gia Whitehead, TSIBA Co-Founder and Chair

PURPOSE-LIVED, Monika Jiang in conversation with Gia Whitehead, TSIBA Co-Founder and CEO

TSIBA Business School

Monika Jiang
When our first purpose-lived podcast conversation with Monika Jiang took place in 2023 Monika was the head of content and community at the House of Beautiful Business. This podcast remains the most downloaded conversation on the TSIBA platform to date. In the time since, following five years with the House of Beautiful Business, a global platform and community to make business more beautiful, Monika felt called to explore 'the other side of community'. This has led Monika to an exploration of the theme of loneliness in a world where we’ve isolated ourselves from one another and where loneliness, paradoxically, holds the potential to draw us closer together again — despite our differences. With the sharing of our loneliness Monika writes, we create “third places” for dialogue, connection, and community.

Monica is a writer, facilitator, and community builder, driven by amor mundi, a love for the world as it is, with all its beauty and darkness. She is a highly intuitive, fantastical soul, temporarily unfinished and forever wanting to play, she reaches to the margins, asks essential questions, and gently steps into the reality of others to make more feelings known, more faces seen, more voices heard. Because another world is not only possible—it exists.