PURPOSE-LIVED, conversations with Gia Whitehead, TSIBA Co-Founder and Chair
PURPOSE-LIVED at TSIBA has always underpinned an approach to education as a catalyst for the best of what humans can be. When we dream and live to purpose we create a better world.The TSIBA Purpose-Lived conversation series explores diverse perspectives on this theme from remarkable humans. Each conversation is a discovery of a personal journey, providing a collection of profound perspectives from those who have been kind enough to share.
PURPOSE-LIVED, conversations with Gia Whitehead, TSIBA Co-Founder and Chair
PURPOSE-LIVED, Asavela Gwele in conversation with TSIBA Co-Founder and Chairperson Gia Whitehead.
TSIBA Business School
Asavela, a lover at heart, singer, dancer and people person shares her story about humility, self-learning and belief, perseverance and how to save and strive to build an optimistic future for young leaders.
Asavela has Bachelor of Business Administration from TSIBA Business School and a B Comm Honours (Economic Analysis of Financial Markets) from the University of Cape Town.
Asavela combines ambition and drive with deep sensitivity and humility.
What she lacks in age and experience she more than makes up for with enthusiasm, focus and discipline.